jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Floating Blue 21 ecosystem offers a sustainable alternative to consumptive societies


Although we’ve seen a number of cool floating city designs over the years, Blue 21 stands out among its buoyant counterparts for offering a truly viable solution to the world’s ever-increasing environmental ills. The forward-thinking designers behind this floating eco-homes project, Delta Sync, claim Blue 21 will have a positive impact on the planet by creating productive, rather than consumptive communities. Learn more about their Blue Revolution after the jump.

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The creators of Blue 21 believe future communities will be water-based. The inspiration for floating cities stems from the major problems facing the 21st century, such as land shortages, rising sea levels and growing C02 emissions, all of which many suspect will lead to the demise of our land-dependent population sooner rather than later.
Related: Incredible Floating Pre-Fab Neighborhood Pops Up in The Netherlands
Accordingly, floating self-sustaining eco-systems like Blue 21 will be able to alleviate earth’s over-populated earth space by utilizing the world’s oceans to house the population. The floating structures would be able to sustainably produce food for its communities without competing for scarce land and or depleting natural resources.
The Blue 21 project incorporates a number of strategic sustainable features to ensure healthy, green living standards, including hydroponic growing systems, biofuel production through floating algae, and protected fish and seafood habitats that would contribute to a “cyclical metabolism”. Additionally, the floating development is designed to be “plugged in” to existing cities in order to help recycle local waste nutrients and CO2 emissions that often pollute the environment.
The Blue 21 project was founded by the same Delft-based team behind the incredible Floating Pavilion in Rotterdam.
+ Blue 21

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