dimanche 11 octobre 2015

Unpackaged Food Supermarkets

Unpackaged Food Supermarkets

Original Unpacked is Lowering Food Waste by Unconventional Means

Published: • References: startnext.de & psfk
Original Unpacked is doing something that very few stores have thought about before. By refusing to package any of the products they sell, Original Unpacked is cutting down on not only food waste, but the potential for litter as well. We've seen this type of self-service before in places like the Bulk Barn, but never in a full-scale supermarket the way it's being implemented now.

Outside of cutting down on waste in more than one way, Original Unpacked is also digging through the clutter that makes shopping in a supermarket such a daunting experience. While it's an absolute necessity to go to the supermarket regularly, it doesn't have to feel like a melee whenever it happens.

Original Unpacked will help keep portions reasonable, packaging simple and the food buying process easy.

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