mardi 7 juillet 2015

Air-Filtering Plant Guides

This Infographic Explains Purifying House Plants and Indoor Air Toxins

Published: • References: lovethegarden & designtaxi
If you are concerned about air quality at home, this guide to purifying house plants will come in particularly handy. From gardening tips website Love the Garden, the infographic 'The NASA Guide to Air-Filtering Houseplants' includes information gathered by a 1989 clean air study. The plants listed are the most effective common indoor plants that can filter harmful toxins and pollutants out of the air.

The chart not only recommends purifying house plants such as spider plants and Boston ferns, but also discusses toxins found in the air and how they affect humans. Each plant also includes a symbol so you know which pollutant it is best suited to tackle.

If you work from home or spend a lot of time indoors, this chart is definitely worth reviewing.

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