mardi 7 juillet 2015

Interactive Storytelling Ads

This Volkswagen Commercial Lets Viewers Craft a Custom Story

When people watch commercials, they're either impatient or willing to sit through to the very end—with this in mind, Volkswagen's newest commercial is one that lets viewers engage in a custom story for as long as the time they have available. Whether the advertisement is tapped into for a few seconds or a few minutes, Volkswagen's 'Custom-Made' video puts the viewer in charge of the end scene of the commercial. When a viewer has had enough, all they have to do is click the "press to end" button.

The story is a quirky one that has a VW truck driver telling his travel companion about an encounter with a former lover. The engaging story is filled with a cast of unusual characters, which is also part of what makes it so compelling to keep watching for as long as you can.

As well as being purely enjoyable, the Custom-Made commercial ties in with the brand's commitment to providing tailored solutions to any business.

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