mercredi 8 juillet 2015

Stress-Monitoring Smartwatches

The 'Embrace' Watch Helps People with Epilepsy Track Their Seizures

Published: • References: facebook & indiegogo
'Embrace' is a revolutionary smartwatch designed to help people with epilepsy monitor their stress, activity and overall balance. The wearable device not only helps people living with epilepsy track their own health, but it also provides alters to loved ones in the event that a seizure occurs.

While Embrace is a high-tech medical device, it is designed to look just like a luxurious smartwatch. Made from Italian leather and polished metal, the device easily tightens on the wearer's wrist for a snug fit. The device will then automatically monitor the physiological stress, sleep and physical activity of the wearer throughout the day. If you push the body beyond its limits, the device will deliver a small vibration to remind you to take it easy. In the event that an unusual event happens, such as a convulsive seizure, the smartwatch will send an immediate alert to the smartphone of friends and family.

For people with epilepsy, Embrace is not only a great way to track their health, it may even be a critical life-saving device.

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