jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Smart Floating Farms

An Automated Offshore Food Platform is Conceived to Address Future Shortages

Published: • References: forwardthinkingarchitecture & munchies.vice
There are many signs pointing to a hungry future and the Smart Floating Farms hope to make a difference. With impending water shortages and a exponentially growing world population, people will have to get creative about how to grow food in the future. The Smart Floating Farms are "automated offshore multi-layer food and energy production platforms," the creators describe.

Designed by architect Javier F. Ponce of Forward Thinking Architecture in collaboration with Jakub Dycha, the Smart Floating Farms will be able to import food and water to places in need of one or both. They "are built on freshwater lakes using layers of vegetation and mud. The wet environment allows for a cycle of decomposition and irrigation which fertilises the soil, creating a productive area for agriculture," writes Munchies.

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